Don't need 12 cards? Buy individual cards here!
These handsome birthday cards feature our signature torn paper design and a handwritten verse. Celebrate the day! Buy birthday greeting cards from it takes two.
Front: good health, good friends, good memories, good fortune¬Ö
Inside: ¬Ömay these birthday wishes last a lifetime!
Product Details: Package of one dozen 5 x 7 greeting cards and one dozen color-coordinated envelopes.
These handsome birthday cards feature our signature torn paper design and a handwritten verse. Celebrate the day! Buy birthday greeting cards from it takes two.
Front: good health, good friends, good memories, good fortune¬Ö
Inside: ¬Ömay these birthday wishes last a lifetime!
Product Details: Package of one dozen 5 x 7 greeting cards and one dozen color-coordinated envelopes.
• Artwork by Georgia Rettmer
• Verse by Kimberly Rinehart
• Printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer waste
• Proudly made in the U.S.A.