In times of isolation and uncertainty, a simple greeting card can be just the encouragment someone needs on the day they receive it. Your kind gesture will bring a smile and will be greatly appreciated. Send a mailable hug to the people in your corner of the world who could use their spirits lifted.
Front: This isn't just a card¬Ö
Inside: ¬Öit's a mailable hug!
Product Details: Package of one dozen 5 x 7 greeting cards and one dozen white envelopes.
Front: This isn't just a card¬Ö
Inside: ¬Öit's a mailable hug!
Product Details: Package of one dozen 5 x 7 greeting cards and one dozen white envelopes.
• Artwork by Nancy Phelps
• Verse by Kimberly Rinehart
• Printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer waste
• Proudly made in the U.S.A.