It means a lot when someone shows so much confidence in you that they refer people your way. Add your personal words of thanks for the referral to a colorful greeting card from it takes two. And, don't forget to send an anniversary congratulations card when they reach that first year milestone in their new home. Keep those relationships strong!
Front: Referrals are the foundation of a successful business
Inside: Thank you for the referral and for your confidence!
Product Details: Package of one dozen 4.25 x 5.5 note cards with color-coordinated envelopes
Front: Referrals are the foundation of a successful business
Inside: Thank you for the referral and for your confidence!
Product Details: Package of one dozen 4.25 x 5.5 note cards with color-coordinated envelopes
• Artwork by Beth Nadler
• Verse by Kimberly Rinehart
• Printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer waste
• Proudly made in the U.S.A.